Some schools we've worked with...
Are your students at times...?
Not taking advice
In my 10 years going from classroom teacher, study coach and 45k strong educational tik tok influencer I've seen it all. My mission is to help schools like yours create bespoke and engaging study skills workshops and programmes to unlock the true potential of your students. We cover how to:
Use right Methodologies for success
Manage self and time effectively
Stay Motivated and fight revision rut
Replace exam stress with exam confidence
Help your students develop the metacognition skills they need to become independent learners!
As featured in
What your students will gain...
Research based methods
Give your students the tool box they need to effectively study solo
Better time management
eg. How to make a revision timetable you actually stick to!
Bespoke advice
Every workshop is based on your student's painpoints via a survey, nothing generic!
Supercharged motivation
We dive into the science of motivation
Myth busting
Lets debunk some classic study behaviours that don't work!
Study smarter, not harder
Hard work pays off, but only if you're focusing on the right things
As featured in
Don't take my word for it...
Check out my 300+ study skills videos
Beyond the Blackboard provides free educational / career videos to students through an entertaining platform they know. You can join our community here
Browse our library of study skills / career / uni application videos on YouTube. You can join our community here
What we cover across our programmes
We cover the "3Ms" of study. Methodology, Management of Self and Motivation
Management of Self
Effective time-management is crucial for academic success. Students will learn how to create a study timetable they stick to, how to prioritise topics and how to juggle conflicting tasks!
Staying motivated and fighting revision rut is crucial. In this pillar students will learn how to make study a habit, how to manage stress and what they should do on the day of the exam to mentally prep!
How do we teach these?
Workshops: We will teach students how to use their iphones as a second brain for study
Video Courses: Each student will come away with a handbook / study card deck to continue their journey outside the workshop
Self led learning: Each student will come away with a handbook / study card deck to continue their journey outside the workshop
Progress Tracking:
How it Works
Click "Book a Workshop"
We'll discuss your school's / student's specific needs
We will create a bespoke study skills workshop for you
Before the session: We will survey your students to identify their biggest painpoints
During the session: We will get student's to practice the study skills live. This is not a lecture!
After the session: Your students will have their own study handbook so they can keep upskilling